Saturday, August 22, 2009

Diapers and Wipes

Diaper Down Low
I LOVE BumGenius diapers from Cotton Babies. My son has never had a diaper rash from them. They are cute, soft, and comfy. And they grow with your child so you only have to buy them once. The only thing I don't like about them is that after all these months of use the velcro tabs are starting to roll out and not say closed like they used to. Part of this is my fault for buying only about half the number of diapers we really needed, so mine have had lots of wear. Also Cotton Babies are great and will send replacement tabs out for free if you can just find someone to sew them on for you.

I HATE pampers. The smell is intolerable. We had some when we first came home from the hospital and tried to air them out on our deck in a laundry basket for days because of the smell...and they still stunk! Not to mention disposable diapers do not decompose well and will still be in a landfill 500 years from now.

I do like Seventh Generation's newborn diaper. My son was on the small size and they were the only ones we found that (didn't stink and) ran small enough. I will occasionally use Seventh Generation now if we are going someplace that our cloth diapers are just completely impractical. These diapers are chlorine free, but they still will sit in a landfill for generations to come.

I wanted to love gDiapers. We used them for a little while but as my son's urine production increased the liner would draw up and we were wetting the cover every time. Maybe a girl who wets in the middle wouldn't have this problem? Once I was washing every time I though I might as well be using cloth and that's when I found BumGenius.


If you use cloth diapers like I do I hope you also have found cloth wipes to use. I think this makes the whole process so much easier to be able to just put the wipe in the diaper and drop them both in the pail. Not to mention the impact on the environment.

I bought my cloth wipes (rookie mistake maybe, or maybe just the thing a tired mom needed to do), however you can easily make your own. Check out the easy instructions here. I keep my wipes in a container that disposable wipes had come in. I mix a little baby wash (California Babies to be exact, but that is another post), a little grape seed oil (I also use this oil in my toddler's bath), about 6 drops lavender oil (for it's antiseptic properties, I get mine from Cheryl's Herbs), a little aloe, squeeze in one or two vitamin E capsules, add water, mix, and pour over the wipes in the container. It has worked very well for us. Hope is works for you too.

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